It has 22 minutes flight time. (we have 4 battery's) DJI googles to look what the drone is seeing. LensFOV: 155°Equivalent Focal Length: 12.7 mmFocal Length: 2.34 mmAperture: f/2.8Focus...
Welcome to the Pixelz whanau Sony NXCAM 4K. It's a start and it won't be the last 4K we will invest in, but one has to start somewhere. Sony HXR-NX200...
Check out the NEW STOCK of professional LED LIGHTING & VMOUNT BATTERIES ready to go when you are. Demo models available now! Or go straight to our shop. D Series...
Our many years within the filming and broadcast industry means that we have a vast network of talented individuals to partner with. We operate on an agile model meaning that...